Our ISAIAH 61 project and partnerships
Our ISAIAH 61 project reaches out to the poorest and most vulnerable in our community. We reach out directly as well as partnering with Orange Sky Laundry Van, Alcoholics Anonymous, AL-Anon (for families and friends of alcoholics), and Narcotics Anonymous. Each of these partnerships allows us to send tentacles of care and of God’s love out into our community either through direct and specific ministry or by allowing groups to rent our premises.
The Parish is always seeking opportunities to be active in caring for the wider Ballina community. If you would like to help, please contact the Parish Office for information.
Saturday BBQ Breakfast
On the 3rd Saturday of each month we offer a big breakfast from 8 – 10 am at St Mary’s, Ballina. This is free, and available to anyone in the community. This includes giving away warm clothing from the Op Shop, and items made by our craft group such as blankets, beanies and gloves.
Community Christmas Lunch
Each Christmas we operate a free Community Christmas Lunch on Christmas Day. This lunch is open for anyone who wishes to come, but especially those who are doing it tough or who are alone.
Backpack Beds