About Us

We are an Anglican Parish in the Grafton Diocese.  While the Anglican tradition is broad, we would consider ourselves middle of the road. Through our various services and ministries we seek to provide an environment for Christian growth and formation. Evangelical and Anglo-Catholic, conservative and liberal Anglicans have found a home with us.

The Parish of Ballina includes the communities of Ballina and Lennox Head. Within the Parish the worship centres include St Mary’s in Ballina and St John the Baptist in Lennox Head.

The Parish is also in partnership with Emmanuel Anglican College and the Ballina Anglican Op Shop.

· Baptism, Confirmation and Wedding preparation;

· Funeral and Memorial services;

· A variety of Worship Services throughout the week;

· Home Groups, Study Groups,  Prayer Groups and Social Groups;

· Ministry to frail and elderly including Home Communions and Visitations;

· Music and Singing ministry.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us regarding any of these ministries.

Phone: (02) 6686 2094    Mobile: 0427 836 988

E-mail: Go to E-mail Form